sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009


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-De Vries, Manfred Kets, The Leadership Mystique, 2001 (Financial Times, Prentice Hall)
-De Vries, Manfred Kets, The Leader On the Couch, 2006 (Jossey Bass)
-De Vries, Manfred Kets, The Neurotic Organization, 1984 (Jossey-Bass)
-Wright, Kevin, Effective Prison Leadership, 1994 (William Neil Publishing)
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-P. Meyer, John & J. Allen, Natalie, Commitment in the Workplace, 1997 (Sage Publications)
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-Ramos, Marco, Desafiar o Desafio, Prevenção do Stresse no Trabalho, 2001 (RH Editora)
-Sharma, Robin, Seja Mestre na Arte de Viver, 2007 (Pergaminho)
-Pereira, Carla, Percepção dos Guardas Prisionais quanto ao Sistema Prisional Enquanto Lugar de Reabilitação Social dos Reclusos, 2002